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ISN Summer Program: It’s all about teamwork! (Aug.1-5)

What an extremely interesting week it has been! During the last five days, we’ve done numerous indoor and outdoor activities together. On some days, we’re able to run a few laps on the exercise track in the morning, while others preferred walking under the shade. We also got the chance to look at the garden and picked some fresh tomatoes and cucumber. Moreover, we continued to practice their flag performance and relays for the upcoming Sports Festival. The Summer Program students were asked to participate in the games, as well.


We continued looking at cartoons and differentiated them from documentaries. The latter involves the real world–people, animals, events, places. We watched a short cartoon film and a documentary about ocean animals (whalesharks, tiger sharks, sea lions, sea turtles, etc.) for a few minutes and they tried expressing their understanding of what we’ve watched through writing and drawing.


They were divided in two groups as we played “Charades” for the first time; with cartoons, ocean animals and people as the categories. It is a guessing game and basically, the players have to pick a piece of paper and need to act out whatever is written on it, whether it’s a cartoon character or an ocean animal. The rest of the group members must guess the word before the time runs out. It was a really fun activity!

In Math, we had a problem solving activity that requires different mathematical operations and logical thinking. Using a calculator was their last resort in order to solve the problem. We also had a math challenge wherein the students were classified according to their grade levels. The number sentence was dictated and they had to write and solve it on the whiteboard. We also counted the PET bottle lids as our box got full.

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We discussed 3D shapes and learned their main difference from plane figures. During craft time, the students were instructed to make anything as long as they include atleast one 3D shape in it.

3D shapes mind map

Haruka made a cool truck with cuboids and cylinders!
Reika made a nice chair with tissue rolls (cylinder).
What a cute cat, Kaho!


On Friday morning, we did the ISN Summer Scavenger Hunt for the first time. The students were divided in three groups and a list of different things was given to each group. They had to work together and communicate with each other in order to accomplish their tasks. Basically, they had to find and look for the things written on the paper before the time runs out. Please click on the link below in order to see the SH list. It was a very exciting and fun activity. They  were running back and forth and were eager to look for and obtain the needed stuff!
金曜日の朝は、ISN Summer スカヴェンジャーハントをしました!紙に書かれたいくつもの項目に当てはまるものを時間内に探し出すというゲームで、子どもたちは3チームに分かれてあっちこっちへ歩き回り、英語でコミュニケーションを取り、協力し合いながらものを探しました。(下のリンクから探すものリストが確認できます。)

ISN Summer Scavenger Hunt 2016

Thank you, Ms. Annette and Mr. Chris, for your signatures! 😀

P1260457 P1260458 P1260467 P1260469 P1260471 P1260472 P1260473