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Our responsibilities do not only end in the classroom (June 10th-14th)

Hi all!
This week was an extremely hot one for everyone. Heat stroke season is upon us . As part of being CARING learners ,we made a pact of sorts ,to remind one another to drink lots of fluids.


Ever since we began our second line of inquiry (LOI2) we have come to discover that responsibilities give us a sense of purpose in life. So far we have talked about the proper way to unpack one’s belongings in the morning and pack one’s backpack at the end of the day.How to properly wash hands, how to undress/dress oneself. We have talked about how to fold clothes and how to clean up after lunch. At first, not everyone knew how to do everything correctly, but with constant practise ,as well as reminders from the teachers, they are getting better at every single one of their jobs. The thrill that comes with being able to say,”look, I did it by myself,” has done wonders to the little ones’ confidence.

LOI、2を始めて以来、私たちは責任感が目的意識を与えてくれることを発見してきました。これまで私たちは、朝かばんから荷物を取り出してそれぞれの場所にしまうことや一日の終わりのリュックサックの詰め方、正しい手の洗い方、衣服の脱ぎ方、着替え方について話しをしてきました。衣服のたたみ方や昼食後の後片付けについても話してきました。最初は、全員が正しいやり方を知っていたわけではありませんでしたが、何度も繰り返し練習をして、時に先生たちに手伝ってもらいながら、ひとつひとつの作業ができるようになってきました。”Look, I did it by myself!”(「見て、自分でできたよ!」)と言う誇らしげな顔は自信があふれています。

The letter D
This week we studied the letter D. We were taught a few words that begin with D and the correct way to write D. Doctor, dinosaur, dolphin, diamond, day, dress, desk and dive are the words we learnt this week.


Fathers’ day craft

The importance that fathers and father figures have in our lives can never be overemphasised. Thank you to all the fathers out there for all you do for us!



This week we enjoyed doing various things with a colorful parachute. We made a house and we blew a strong wind to cool ourselves down. Everyone had fun!


Coloring activity

As part of our LOI2, the teacher presented us with a “responsibilities coloring page.” When we reflected at the end of the day, we realised that our responsibilities do not only end in Aurora class. We have lots of people who count on us to do good by them outside of the school environment- at home, at friends’ homes etc.

LOI2の一環として、 “responsibilities(責任)の絵の描かれた塗り絵をしました。 一日の終わりに振り返ったとき、私たちの責任はオーロラのクラスだけでは終わらないことに気がつきます。家庭など、学校の外でも私たちを頼りにしてくれる人がたくさんいるのです。


Ever since we started singing new songs two weeks ago, many Aurora friends have become more participative during music class. It’s safe to say they love the songs!


On Tuesday the 18th we have our next swimming lesson at central fitness center. Please do not forget to pack swim suits for your little ones.

Have a nice weekend!

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.


