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Being creative

This week we have been enjoying the start of our next IB unit – Creativity. Elementary Class students have not only written their own play for the Christmas Show using very lots of imagination, but they have been very creative in deciding how to use their voices and actions to best communicate with the audience. They have also been giving lots of ideas for the design positioning of the props on the stage. The students in Elementary Class continue to enjoy being creative in their preparation for this big event. They also have a deeper understanding of the importance of “creativity” in making this performance meaningful and a joyful success.
Even though this week has been cold, we have enjoyed some time outdoors. On Monday we measured the distance from the top of the hill to our school. Then we calculated the distance we walked up and back. This has been a helpful activity as we often walk up the hill for morning tea as it only takes 10 minutes and the view from the top is spectacular.
Next week Miss Brigitte is going for a short trip to Australia to visit her son and his fiance. They will be married next year. Before going Miss Brigitte took a photo to show her family in Australia. Miss Brigitte will return to ISN on November 30.