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Get rid of freezing cold day (Lagoon-February 1st- 5th)

Hello everyone,

It’s February already, how time flies! We started our week celebrating “Setsubun” in each classroom. Our kids cooperated on making balls to throw against the demon whenever it will come in. The day has come and our kids were so scared that most of them screamed and hid at the teacher’s back. Kids took those balls and threw them to the demon yelling “demons out, good luck in”! They were all relieved when they saw the demon lay down and gave up.

皆さんこんにちは。早いものでもう2月ですね!今週は、クラスで節分のイベントがありました。ラグーンのお友達は先週から、新聞紙を丸めて作った豆を使って”鬼は外!福は内!”の練習をしてきました。いよいよ節分当日、ラグーンクラスに赤鬼さんがやってきました!子ども達は怖くて叫んだり先生の背中に隠れたり、、、(^^)でも勇気を出して豆をエイッと投げ、鬼をやっつけることができました!逃げていく鬼を見てホッとした表情を見せてくれた子ども達でした(^ ^)頑張ったね!!

Let’s get rid of freezing cold day

Cold cheeks and cold hands! Brrr❢ Temperature drops to freezing but despite the weather, it’s important to get kids active and help them stay that way. We encouraged our kids to get moving during our gym to run around, jumped and did the stretching. On days that we stayed in the classroom, we did the activities that helped develop their healthy lifestyle. They found them fun and we’re most likely to do it over and over again. Get moving Lagoon and stay active this winter!

頬と手が凍えそうな寒さでしたね!ブルルッ!そんな寒さの中でも、子ども達はアクティブに活動しています。ジムの時間では、走ったりジャンプしたりストレッチをしてとたくさん身体を動かしました。クラスで過ごす日には、フープやバランス棒、トンネルを使ってサーキット遊びをしたり、電車ごっこやバスごっこをしました。子ども達はこの遊びが大好きです。またこうやってたくさん身体を動かして、この寒い冬を乗り切りたいと思います(^ ^)

Big and small

This week we have learned about “Big and small”. Our little learners were able to sort and distinguished between the difference of each size. They were able to say them in phrases too, “Big elephant! small ant!” “Big ball! small ball!” Good job, Lagoon!


Thank you for reading our blog.

Have a nice weekend.
