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The further adventures in Space of G3

Project Proposals

The class has been continuing to work on their project proposals for next week’s grand presentation. Grade 2 will be voting as to which project they like best and offering funding to help get the project off the ground and into space.


There are five different proposals in total and they range from Earth’s orbit to Jupiter and beyond in their proposed flight paths and missions.


Tune in next week to find out more. プレゼンテーションの様子は来週のブログをお楽しみに!

Exercise エクササイズ

The weather forecast for Thursday and the weekend was predicting plenty of weather to keep ducks and ponds smiling. Therefore, we decided to make hay while the sun was shining and go out for P.E. on Wednesday morning instead of our usual Thursday morning slot. We have been doing a lot of timed runs in these sessions and the students have gradually been getting faster over the same course each week. They also relish the opportunity to be outdoors and closer to their favourite species. Yes, insects! I wonder if they look forward to P.E. because of the exercise or the chance to be closer to insects. Perhaps both.


Have a nice week!