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Fluffiness and hard work

A short and cold week is behind us.
Last Sunday, the Elementary Class students along with their parents and teachers went on a short trip together to the Tirol forest park near Matsumoto. The weather was wonderfully sunny and everyone’s energy levels were really high! The students enjoyed playing with and feeding the farm animals, which included alpacas, goats, sheep and fluffy rabbits! 🐑
Lunchtime was reserved for a pizza-making class! The students made their own pizza dough, shaped it in a circle and put the toppings in any way they liked. The pizzas were delicious, and especially so because they were made by the students themselves. After lunch, some of the students had a go at milking the cows. The barns were filled with laughter and enjoyment. Some chose to try their hand at craft. They assembled and painted their own ocarinas and played some melodies on them. At the end of the day, everyone enjoyed some extra playtime doing soccer and catch. It was truly a wonderful day! 🍕
The rest of the week was spent in further preparations for the Christmas performance. The set designs and props are almost completed and the students are feeling more and more comfortable with their lines and dance steps. On Tuesday, the whole school had a performance practice day at the performing arts center. It was great to see the performance on the actual stage for the first time and the students were excited to show what they have practiced to other classes and their teachers. They also got to enjoy Grade One’s practice and share their opinion and creative ideas.
Three more weeks to go until the performance! Have a nice long weekend! ❤️
先週の日曜日、アッパーエレメンタリークラスではお父さんお母さんや先生とチロルの森に遊びに行きました。とても素晴らしい天気に恵まれ、みんな元気100倍でした!アルパカ、山羊、ヒツジ、ふわふわのウサギなどの動物と遊んだり餌をあげたり楽しんでいました。 🐑
お昼は、予約していたピザ作り体験を楽しみました。自分達でピザの生地を作り、平べったい丸にして好きなトッピングをのせました。自分達で作ったピザは格別! とっても美味しかったです。お昼を食べた後は、牛の乳搾りに挑戦しました。牛小屋は皆の笑いと楽しみで満ちあふれていました。クラフトで工芸作りに挑戦したお友だちもいました。オカリナを組み立ててペイントをしました。そして実際にメロディーを吹いてみました。締めくくりは、皆でサッカーやキャッチボールを楽しみました。本当に素敵な楽しい一日でしたね! 🍕