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Runners, reporters, researchers/ ランナー、レポーター、リサーチャー

A very hot and humid week is behind Upper Elementary Class! 🐞
Since next week is the sports day, the practice of our team activities intensified. The students are working hard on their teamwork and athletic skills through games of Tunnel ball, Corner spry and Leader ball. In their gym lessons, they have been practicing for the relay event. Let’s all have fun together next Friday! This will also be a great practice for some of students who are about to take part in the Hakuba marathon on the 22nd. Let’s cheer them on together. 🏃
The students have spend some time this week on planning and making two games by decorating the blank cards given to the class by Mr. Charlie: Happy Salmon and Ghost Catch. Both games are easy to understand and very fun to play.
The students’ inquiry into the topic of migration is almost finished as well. This week, everyone has finished their interviews with people in their lives who have migrated. The interviews are very interesting and insightful and the students really took on the roles of reporters in stride, video filming and noting everything said in the interviews. The interviews, together with many articles on various topics, jokes, crosswords, sudokus and photos, will find their place in the second issue of the Upper Elementary Class’ newspaper, ISpotDaily, which will be out next week. Please look forward to it! 📰
The class has also further researched the idea of earthquakes and migrations caused by natural disasters. We read a book on the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and saw news reports on the 1995 Kobe and 2011 Fukushima disasters. The students discussed about where they would live and what would they bring with them in case of natural disasters and also what it would mean for their families and friends. 🏗️
On a brighter note, this Sunday marks the first two birthdays Upper Elementary Class celebrates this week: Kaisei’s and Shiryu’s. Isn’t it funny that they were born on the same day? Their classmates wrote their notes into colorful birthday cards, which the boys received on Friday. Happy birthday! 🎂
Let’s enjoy the warm, long weekend together! ☀️

来週のスポーツデイに向けて、アッパーエレメンタリークラスは練習に励んでいます。子どもたちは、トンネルボール、Corner spryやリーダーボールのゲームを通して、一生懸命、チームワークとアスレチックスキルを鍛えています。体育のクラスでは、リレーの練習も行っています。来週の金曜日のスポーツデイは一緒に楽しみましょう!22日に白馬マラソンに参加する児童にとっても、すばらしい練習の機会になると思います。一緒に応援しましょう。