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Election Day! – G2

During LOI 2 we had a chance to discuss some workers of the government like Governor, Vice-governor, Mayor, Vice mayor, City Council, and the City Hall Staff. We also included the chairman of the department, doctor, police, nurse, firefighter, teacher, lawyer, and the like. We also discussed the different departments of the local government such as Construction Department, Operation Information in the Traffic, Industrial Information and others.


To make this lesson challenging to us, through Experiential Learning Strategy, we searched for the chairperson/ chairman of every department and elected our very own mayor to oversee us. The result was the following:

この授業に挑戦するため、体験学習として、すべての部署の委員長・主任を探し、自分たちだけの市長を選出し、私たちを監督することにしました。 その結果、次のようになりました。

Department Chairperson Construction Department建設部 – Mr. Rey Operation Information in the Traffic交通操作情報- Industrial Information産業情報- Ms. Nina Risk-Management Department危機管理局- Mr. Kaito Health Department保健省- Ms. Mikoto Cultural Tourism Department文化観光局- Transportation Department運輸省- Mr. Shu Water and Sewerage Bureau上下水道局- Ms. Kokono Education Department教育省- Ms. Kiana Agriculture Committee Office農業委員会事務局- Ms. Anri Mayor市長- Mr. Rey Vice-Mayor副市長- Ms. Kiana Secretary秘書- Mr. Kaito

For our visual assessment, we made slideshow presentation and diorama about workers of the government and its offices.


How Can We Help Our Community?

In our LOI 3, the lesson was about helping our community. In connection to our status in the community as a leader/ worker of the government we should have an idea about some common problems in our community. To make this objective clear for us, we’ve watched a documentary film about “The Most Dangerous Ways To School in Nepal”. It is about the struggle of the parents sending their children to the other side of the mountain just to get a formal education in the town.

LOI 3では、地域社会支援をテーマに学んでいます。私たちは、政府の指導者/職員として地域社会での地位を確立するために、地域社会でよくある問題について知っておく必要があります。この目的を明確にするために、私たちは「ネパールで最も危険な通学路」というドキュメンタリー映画を観ました。この映画は、町で教育を受けるために、山の向こう側まで子どもを送り出す親たちの闘いを描いたものです。

In addition, we discussed problems like Arson, Crime, Drugs, Child Abuse etc. to enhance our target idea. Unexpectedly, we needed to pause our lesson for a while because of an unexpected guest (corona issue) visited our school couple of days ago. Through online class we tried catching up on our remaining lesson for this unit.
