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“The effect of following or breaking the rules” Aurora-January 31-February 4

Hello Everyone,みなさま、こんにちは!

Hope you are well and healthy in the midst of on-going Covid-19 pandemic.コロナ禍中皆様の変わりない健康と安全をお祈りいたします。

This week was a little bit different for Aurora class as more than half of students did online lessons and the other less than half learned face to face. It was the first time we set up our learning space this way and we are finding better ways to accommodate everyone in letting them engaged in the morning and afternoon circle time.


✅ Unit of Inquiry

We have been discussing with our second line of inquiry, “The effect of following or breaking the rules” We did a worksheet activity in which Aurora students mark ✅ for picture that shows following rules and ❌ for breaking rules. Everyone strived being thinkers as they answered the worksheet. For our in-depth discussion, we read the books, What If Everybody Did That” and “ Know And Follow Rules.” They are good books we found helpful for this inquiry.

2番目のLOIとなります、 “The effect of following or breaking the rules” (ルールに従う時とそうでない時の効果)について学び始めました。ワークシートを行い、オーロラの子どもたちはルールに従っている絵には✔マークを、ルールを守っていない絵には✖を付けました。みんな、IB学習者像の一つである”考える人”となり、ワークシートに取り組むことができました。更なるディスカッションでは、2冊の本を読みました。 ”What If Everybody Did That” と “ Know And Follow Rules.” の2冊です。この2冊は、この単元を探求する助けとなるとても良い内容の本です。

✅ Setsubun Event

We held our Setsubun festival this week. While throwing balls to the demons, we said, “Good luck in, goodbye corona”. We hope wellness and vitality for everyone.

今週は、節分ということで、豆まきをしました。鬼に向かってボール(豆の代わりに新聞ボールを作り投げました)を投げるとき、コロナの収束を願いみんなで “Good luck in, goodbye CORONA!!” と言いながら投げました。

Have a great weekend everyone.良い週末をお過ごしください。