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Change and growth – Milky Way 8/1 – 8/5

The Milky Way students are growing up fast, they develop new skills, discover new talents, and get involved in lots of conflicts!


Yes, conflict is part of our lives. It can present itself anytime, anywhere. As inevitable as it is, it is reasonable and a good thing to equip our kids to be able to manage conflicts whenever it arises and be always ready to solve any problem.


That has kept us busy this week: discussing ways of managing conflicts. A wheel was introduced to the class, a wheel that contains different ways of facing a conflict. To practice, the students were given conflicts and were tasked to consult the wheel for a solution. They acted the scenarios to give their classmates an actual visual of how a conflict is being solved using the “What Can I do” wheel. Their acting prowess was superb, and everybody did their best to make a good show!

今週は衝突を解決する方法についてたくさん話し合いました。教室には、衝突に直面したときのさまざまな対処方法を紹介した表(ホイール)が貼られました。練習として、子ども達に衝突のテーマを与え、それを表を見ながら解決策を考えました。「What Can I do」ホイールを使った衝突の解決方法を2~3人のグループで実際に演じて、クラスの皆に見てもらいました。その演技力は見事なもので、みんな一生懸命に演じていましたよ😊

On a lighter note, Milky Way got another chance to have fun outside and play in the mud this week. They all love it and are so into getting dirty and having fun!


For Phonics and Reading, Milky Way tried to do another book research where they try to hunt words with /sp/ blend words. Also, we read a short story called: Spinnie the Spider. We tested our comprehension by going over the story after reading and writing the answers on the worksheet.

フォニックスとリーディングでは、/sp/が入った単語を探すブックリサーチを行いました。また、「Spinny the Spider」という本を読み、ワークシートに答えを書いて理解度を確認しました。

Change is inevitable, it is part of every child’s growth, and as adults, it is our job to guide our kids to not to fear it but to embrace and accept it.


Have a wonderful weekend!
