“The more you practice, the more you get better.”
The Milky Way class got very busy this week in practicing for two upcoming events. On August 29th, the ISN preschool and elementary will have a big event together which is the Science Fair. The students will share their inquiry to the students and parents by showing a short presentation and prepare some booths about what they have learned in their UOI. For Milky Way students, they will present about UOI2: Plants. First, we made some props that they will use for their presentation. Next, we made some invitation cards for their parents. As we mentioned before, they finished decorating the white paper using vegetable stamps. This week, they worked on sticking the details about the Science Fair. They also drew their family pictures and wrote a message inviting them to come and watch their presentation. We also began practicing for their presentation. So far, most of them already memorized their lines and can remember the sequence of their presentation and their roles. We are all excited to show what they have been working on. It’s gonna be a little surprise for their parents. So, hopefully you can come and watch their presentation. For sure, they will be more motivated to do their best when they see their parents in front of them and watching them.
On Friday, we went to the garden to check the growth of our okra plant. We drew what we have observed by completing the life cycle of okra in our observation notebook. Last time, they drew the seedlings. This time, they drew plant, plant with flower, and plant with fruit. ( Life Cycle of Okra: seed → sprout → seedling → plant → plant with flower → plant with fruit ).
In UOI3: Teamwork, we played a game called Hula Hoop Pass wherein we applied what we have learned about teamwork. In this game, we could see how students tried to show teamwork by sharing ideas on how to play the game, listening to their teammates, and speaking nicely. Good teamwork!
Our class had also worked on practicing for their Sports Festival performance. On Thursday, we spent the morning practicing at the gym. The first part and last part of the dance was easy for them and needed more practice in the middle part of the dance. For sure after some more practice and before the Sports Fest, they will be able to remember and get used to all the dance steps.
We beat the heat by playing in the water in our school pool outside. They enjoyed pretending to take a shower under the rain which came from the hose. Searching for and seeing the rainbow formed by the sunlight and water amazed them a lot.
Since Obon holiday has come and for sure everybody will be busy travelling or visiting their relatives from a far, the class decided to take the beetles back in nature where they are really belong to. We don’t want them to die in the classroom because no one can take care of them during the holidays. In nature, they will be able to survive by themselves and they will be happier. We said goodbye to our beetles and thanked them for playing with them and for making them happy.
Have a safe and wonderful Obon holiday!