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Virtual Class – Shooting Star 1/31 – 2/4

From physical classes to virtual classes; A new experience for our class!

The current events have affected our classes but it is not that powerful to stop our class from learning!

We have started our online classes this week, but it was as fun as in the classroom!

Math: We had a fun and engaging online game for our Math subject. We practiced addition and practiced writing numbers in this game. The students wrote the numbers being added on a piece of paper, solved it, and showed it to the camera!
算数ではオンラインゲームを使って足し算を学びました。画面に出てきた問題を自分の紙に移し、足し算の答えを書いてそれをみんなにシェアするアクティビティです。みんなまだ年中さんですがカメラの位置もしっかり把握しているのでみんなとシェアするのも超簡単なようです笑 「Piece of cake」ですね😉

Phonics: We continued our activity in our classroom in our online class – We looked into digraphs and practiced sounding them. The kids love phonics so much that they found the game very easy: they spelled the words by themselves, and determined the blending sound in the word.
フォニックスではダイグラフ「digraph」(二字一音)を学びました。ビデオを使ったゲームでは写真の絵がどの二字一音で始まっているかを当てて、その絵の単語を書くというゲームです。SSさんはみんなフォニックスが大好きなのでこのゲームもPiece of cakeだったようですね😉

UOI: For our UOI, we continued talking about the Ecosystem – Food chain and its components.

We learned that all living things are linked to one another; living things pass energy to another to maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

The first link in the ecosystem is called Producers, the member of the ecosystem that doesn’t get energy from another living thing; they make their own food and get their energy from the sun. After learning about producers, the students looked around their house and looked for any type of producer: Some showed flowers on cam, some showed twigs and many more. It was fun because the parents somehow got involved in the activity by helping their kids look for producers to share with the class! Thank you, parents!
エコシステムの1番目のリンクはProducer(生産者)で、このProducerは他の生物からエネルギーを得なくても自分達で食べ物を作り太陽の光で生きていけます。Producerは木、花、草などの生物です。みんなのお家にはProducer はあるかな?と聞いたところみんなプラントや花を持ってきてシェアしてくれました!保護者の皆様お手伝いありがとうございました💗

The worksheet for this lesson served as an assignment to the class: while at home, they colored only the producers in the pictures given to them. The class showed their work with everyone during the lesson, and their work showed that they really understand the concept.

Also, this week we talked about the 3 types of consumers, the 2nd link in the food chain. To get the whole cycle of the food chain, we read the book: Who eats what: In this book, we saw different animals eating other animals to get energy. We saw different types of the food chain in different habitats in the ecosystem.

We then introduced the three types of consumers: Herbivore, Carnivore, and Omnivore. We played a game where different pictures of animals were presented to the class, they picked the animals that belong to the herbivore family, the animals that eat only plants. We will dig in more about these 3 families in the coming days. We can’t wait to learn more about the cycle of life.

Thank you for reading our blog.

May everyone have a nice and fun weekend!