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Enjoying our last day of our music class.(Lagoon March 15-19)

Hello everyone,

It’s the season of saying goodbyes and welcoming a new beginning. We feel sadness saying farewell but accepting new challenges and new beginnings. We are growing and we are moving up! We couldn’t deny it.


It was our last day having our music class. Our little ones did their best singing, clapping their hands, extending them in and out. As we sang our “Hokey Pokey ”song, they all stood up and sang together while moving their whole body. They had so much fun and participated well than usual.

今週は今年度最後のミュージッククラスがありました。子ども達は、歌ったり手をたたいたり、身体を伸ばしては中に、外にと動かしていました。みんなの大好きな“Hokey Pokey”の歌では、右手・左手・右足・左足・頭・全身の順に動かしながら、“In! Out!”と声を合わせて歌っていました。いつもに増して元気いっぱい楽しめました(^^)

I’m ready to go out, with my cute bag

We had our craft this week and we made a shoulder bag made of construction paper. We gave our students the cherry blossom coloring paper and they used different colors of crayons to color them. They concentrated well on coloring and after they finished, their hands were stained and showed them to the teacher saying “Look! my hands are dark, red and orange!” They finished up their bag sticking some flower stickers around and glued a pom pom at the center. That was really beautiful and they tried putting them on and said “Let’s go!”

今週のクラフトでは、工作用紙を使ってショルダーバッグを作りました。まず桜の花びらに好きな色のクレヨンで色を塗りました。集中して色を塗る子ども達・・・気がつくと手にはいろんな色が!“見て!指が真っ黒!真っ赤!オレンジ!” そしてお花のシールを貼り、真ん中にはボンドで小さなポンポンを付け、小さな穴に毛糸を通すこともできました!とってもかわいいお花のバッグが完成!早速肩にかけ、“お買いものに行こう♪”とお話しする子ども達でした(^^)

Capture every moment

Every week, during our gym we notice how they our kids grow up. They can do lots of things. They can run faster than before, they can jump up high, can extend their hands and feet as high as they can. We never miss the moments capturing their every moves😊 We enjoyed our last day of the gym. We’re looking forward seeing our little ones growth.

毎週、ジムのクラスで子ども達の成長に気づくことがあります。入園してからこれまでの期間で、以前より速く走れるようになり、高くジャンプできるようになり、手や足を高く上げることができるようになりました。子ども達の成長を見逃さないようにしていきたいですね 😊 ジムのクラスも今週で最後となりました。これからも子ども達の成長を楽しみにしています。

Our little learner’s favorite time. We had our free play before our music class. They enjoyed playing with blocks, connecting them making a lo~ng train. Sharing toys and showing kindness to everyone.


Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend.
