Hello, everyone. The ISN Elementary students celebrated the end of their online lessons this week and will be coming back to school full-time from Monday. The online lesson allowed the students to try something new and explore the wonders of learning through technology, but the students still missed seeing and playing with their classmates every day, so they welcomed the news with open arms.
This was also the week in which the students finished their first Unit of Inquiry of this school year, during which they discussed the topics of social groups, social norms, belonging and not belonging to them and related concepts. The students seemed to enjoy exploring these concepts since a lot of the lessons related to what they are passionate about in life: music, dance, sports, family and friendships.
They also enjoyed completing their summative assessment for this Unit, which was writing, directing, acting in, filming and editing their own movie. Team “ONE FOR ALL” presented “Crazy School”, the story of students whose strange behavior changes depending on the social group they are in. Team “Magic Chap2er 83” filmed “adventure’s out ‘ere”, a story of children who decide to skip school, but realize the trouble they get themselves into wasn’t worth it in the end. On Friday, both teams excitedly premiered their movie and discussed the concept behind it and they expressed their wish to post the movies on the blog for everyone to see. Please enjoy them below. 🍿
今回の単元の最終プロジェクトは脚本、監督、演技、撮影、編集をすべて自分たちで行い映画を制作することです。「一人は皆のために」チームは、クレイジースクールを制作しました。映画の内容は、生徒たちの奇妙な行動が所属する社会集団によって変化する物語です。「マジック チャプター83」チームは、冒険はここにあるを撮影しました。この映画はスクールをさぼろうと決めた子どもが外に出かけトラブルに見舞われ結局はスクールをさぼった価値がないことに気づいたという話です。ついに金曜日、クラスのみんなで2つの映画を鑑賞しました!その後、映画のコンセプトについて話し合いをしました。みんなからは、大勢の皆に見てもらえるようブログに載せてほしいとの声が上がりました。ぜひ、以下のリンクからお楽しみください!
In this week’s English Literature lesson, the students started to read a new guided reading book: “The Hobbit”. The students will take the book home and have made schedules of how much reading they can fit into their busy schedules every day. Everyone promised to try their best to stick to the schedules. In Science, the students talked about the Moon, in Health discussed safety while walking and doing sport activities in their neighborhood and in History, they researched different topics from the history of China, which they will present to their classmates next week. 🧚
英文学の授業では、The Hobbitという新しい本を読み始めました。この本を家に持ち帰ります。そして、忙しい毎日のスケジュールでどれだけ読書の時間を設けることができるか予定を立てました。みんな、スケジュールどおりに読むと約束してくれました。サイエンスの時間では、月について話をしました。保健授業では、近隣でスポーツなど活動をしたり歩いたりする際の安全について話し合いをしました。歴史の授業では、各自で中国の歴史から異なるトピックを調べました。来週、一人ひとりみんなの前で発表する予定です。
On Friday, the students from all Elementary classes gathered together to discuss and plan possible action for improving their behavior in the school’s public areas. It was nice to see older and younger students communicate and work together. 🍀
Have a sunny and safe weekend and see you next week.