Hello everyone,皆様こんにちは♪
Welcome to our weekly blog update. Days pass by so quickly. This month, we enjoyed learning about “Family”. Kids value much the moment they spend with their families so they have a lot of stories to describe and tell about them. We asked each student their family’s favorite drinks, and without any doubt they came in front of their friends and picked up the drinks flashcards their mommies and dads like. They imitated the teacher saying “My mother likes… tea. My father likes… coffee” and more. We also did an activity making the family tree. Our youngsters enjoyed sticking on their family pictures in the tree and then introduced them. They were able to say “This is my … mother. This is is my … father. This is my …grandfather and more”.ブログへようこそ!1日1日があっという間に過ぎて行きます。今月は家族について学んでいます。子どもたちは家族と過ごす時間を子供なりに大切に感じていることが日々感じられます♪今週は家族が好きなドリンは何かについて聞いてみました。みんな躊躇すること無く答えてくれました。先生に手伝ってもらいながら、英語で堂々と答えてくれました
After all the snow has melted, the park became so muddy and wet. Instead of getting muddy, we spent our time practice walking outside the park holding hands with the Rainbow students. It was the first experience for kids walking without the rope but listening to the teachers and with the kindness of the Rainbow students, protecting our little ones, our short walk was made possible
ad safe
It was a freezing morning but we had our little ones wrapped up warm and walked to the park. Kids socialise with their friends and have a blast running, climbing up and sliding down. They keep fit and continue developing their physical skills寒い日でしたが、歩いて公園に行きました。公園では走ったり遊具に登ったり身体を思い切り動かして遊びました。
Happy birthday!
This month, we celebrated our 3 youngster’s birthday. Their friends sang the “Birthday song” and they were delighted receiving a birthday message card with photo attached from their teachers. “We are happy seeing your growth everyday and we are looking forward for your bright future ahead, We love you!今月3人のお友達がお誕生日を迎えました。金曜日にはお誕生日会をしてお祝いしました♪
Thank you for reading and have a fantastic weekend.ブログを読んで頂きありがとうございます♪良い週末をお過ごし下さい♪