The cooler weather beckoned us for outdoor play and walks, and so we did! On our way to the playground, we passed our usual farms. We said “Konnichiwa” to Mrs Farmer and asked her what she was growing. Sweet Potatoes! We spotted onions too.
A wall of morning glory flowers greeted us. “Beautiful… purple and pink,” Savanna exclaimed. We stopped to look at the flowers and a pomegranate tree. Naturally, of course minibeasts were spotted. “Ladybugs… bees… spiders… ants, no…stink bugs,” someone would shout every now and then! We lingered by Narai River and saw ducks swimming. We finally reached the playground and had a swinging good time!
Back in the classroom, we were working hard on making a mini “Insects Word Book”. Savanna coloured the pictures and traced the words. Each student then tried reading the names of the insects – sounding out the first letter of the word and using the picture as a clue. Well done! Gym lesson was so much fun too! Till next week, have a fabulous weekend!