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G4 – Back in time…

Hope this you all well and glad

This week we played the classic “Desert Island” game. Students were given a list of items from which they had to choose only 4 to bring with them on to a deserted island. The game slowly built up from pairs to the whole class, debating which 4 items they should bring.


We also started working on our rice farm project. Our morning involved weeding the paddy and after a tentative start it was greatly enjoyed by all the class.


We are currently adding to our knowledge of human migration and the introduction of settlements and agriculture.

Tomorrow we will visit the Togariishi Museum in Chino to learn more about the Jomon Era.

そして今クラスでは、人類の移動と集落や農業の導入について勉強しています。 金曜には、縄文時代について学ぶために、茅野市にある「尖石縄文考古館」を訪問します。その様子はまた来週のブログに掲載予定です。

Have a nice week.
