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Chopsticks . . . hey, fork-get about it.

This week, the Project B Class students received some chopsticks that were decorated with pictures and designs they drew and colored themselves.  The opportunity to have these chopsticks fashioned was made possible by a donation from a parent at ISN, and we are very grateful for these amazing gifts.  The company that makes these personalized chopsticks encourages buyers to reuse them whenever and wherever possible–even when going to a restaurant–to reduce the amount of waste generated from disposable chopsticks.
And so the Project B Class students have been learning about the 3R’s:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  We did some reading about how people dispose of their waste in landfills, and the kind of damage this form of waste treatment can do to the environment.  We also read about the 3R’s and the befits of composting, and did a cut-and-paste activity related to it.  As we did this activity, some students realized right away that newspapers can be recycled (turned into deinked pulp for papermaking), as well as composted.
今週遂に、自分だけの”My 箸”が届きました!(少し前に自分たちでデザインし、絵を描いて色塗りまでしたものです。)こちらはISNの保護者の方から寄付して頂いたもので、改めて素晴らしい寄付に感謝しています!このMy 箸を作成している会社はどこに行くにも出来る限りMy 箸を持参し、割りばしの消費を少なくしたいという願いがあります。そこでThe Project Bのみんなで”3R”を学んでいます。Reduce/減らす、Reuse/再利用する、Recycle/再生利用する、です。地球環境についての本をみんなで読み、なぜ人々はゴミを捨て環境を破壊していくのかなど学びました。それに関係したアクティビティを行い、紙を切って貼って・・・とそうこうしているうちに、生徒は既にその切ったり貼ったりしている紙(新聞紙)がリサイクルである事に気が付いていました!!