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Events and Friends

This week was full of events! We finished our final project for unit 2. We went to Utsukushigahara Kogen. We had a whole school assembly too!

Students put their final project craft outside the grade one elementary classroom themselves. They also made their own explanation cards, giving the reasoning and meaning behind their craft. Students chose their own format for both the craft and the explanation cards. Take a look if you have time. You can see the creativity and the results of independent inquiry for yourself.

At Utsukushigara Kogen we spent some lovely time enjoying nature and art. We took a small hike to seem some dairy cows roaming in the wide open fields. Students then enjoyed another hike to a large art museum. Although it was raining, we were able to feel nature, enjoy the fresh air, and appreciate the mountains that surround us.

Once we got to the art museum we visited the children’s art museum. Students got a chance to admire, as well as climb inside some large sculptures. It was a really unique chance that we took really well. After viewing and climbing on the sculptures we spent some time feely sketching the parts of the art museum that had made a special impression on us. It was a wonderful day.

On Friday we had a whole school assembly. Students reflected back on the last two units and thought about positives, as well as new things they would like to try and improve upon in future units. Students did this reflection with other students from other age groups. It really helped us start to take more responsibility for our own learning.

Next week summer programme starts. The theme is “art” in many forms. We’re really looking forward to it.

来週からはサマープログラムが始まります。🌻 テーマは様々な形のアートです。どんなサマープログラムになるのか楽しみですね。