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Grade 4 and 5: Squeezing everything in

Hello everyone! This week was a short 4-day affair, squeezed between two long weekends. ☺️
Despite its short length, the students didn’t seem any less motivated to try and squeeze as many activities into their schedule as they could.
On Monday, they prepared for October’s Halloween celebration by thinking of, organizing and painting the props for their game booth: Scary Halloween golfing! The students will be in charge of the game themselves and they have also came up with amazing jumbo-sized sugar skull and jack’o’lantern they will use. 🎃
Continuing with our Unit of Inquiry related to government systems, the students discussed the difference between rights and responsibilities we all have in our lives and what rights and responsibilities do we all share as citizens of our cities, country and the world. The discussion touched on the topic of children’s rights, women’s rights and rights of minorities and we discussed UN’s and UNICEF’s work in this area.
In Health lesson, we talked about the respiratory system and keeping our lungs healthy. The students used baloons and measuring tapes to measure their lung size and capacity. In Math, we touched on Roman numerals for the first time. In History, we continued our overview of the history of ancient Egypt and in Science, we talked more about taxonomy. In Art, the students enjoyed looking at modern art of Roy Liechtenstein, comparing it to a comic book. They tried to present their faces in Liechtenstein’s style. As usual, you can always see these artworks in front of the classroom. 💬
Friday was a gym day and on Thursday we went to L’ala park for our PE lesson for the first time. It was wonderful to see the students enjoying jogging, exercising their bodies and playing on the beautiful green grass and in the wonderful nature of the park. We will continue this practice on every Thursday. 🍀
Enjoy (another) 3-day weekend! Talk to you soon! ☀️
今週は2週連続の3日連休の間であっという間でした。 ☺️4日間ではありましたが、子ども達は出来るだけ多くのアクティビティをこなそうと頑張っていました。火曜日は、ハロウィンパーティーに出すゲームブース「怖いハロウィンゴルフ!」の小道具を考えて色を塗ったりして作り、パーティーの準備をしました。パーティー当日は、生徒達でゲームのブースを担当します。ジャンボサイズの砂糖の頭蓋骨とジャックオランタンのアイディアが出てきました。🎃
金曜日は体育館で体育の授業があります。木曜日は初めてラーラ近くの公園にジョギングに行きました。美しい緑の芝生や自然の中でジョギングを楽しんだり、体を動かしたり気持ちよい時間を過ごせました。毎週木曜日、隔週にこの公園へ行ってジョギングをします🍀 よい3日連休をお過ごしください。