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Creating, Dancing, Acting and Editing

This week we finally completed our play script.
Five weeks ago students in ISN Elementary Class chose the “Old MacDonald had a farm” nursery rhyme as the starting idea for their play. They then discussed possible plots that could take place in that scene. Finally they all agreed on the most exciting story line and we began writing the script. Now at the end of our fifth week having done 5 drafts, we have finished the editing.
The students have chosen their characters and most of the costumes and props have been organized. After visiting and photographing the actual theatre where the performance will take place, Miss Brigitte showed the photos to the students, giving them a clearer idea about the stage they will be using. Our classroom can now easily be converted into a stage and students are enjoying the practice sessions. Other than practicing diligently for the next 8 weeks, students will help collect and make the props and costumes.

We are all looking forward to performing our play “Old MacDonald’s Farm” at the 2016 ISN Christmas Show.