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A tool for their future

Computer skills are an important part of the ISN school curriculum.
Students in ISN Elementary Class have been integrating this very special tool into their everyday routine. During 2016 and 2017 Elementary Class students have enjoyed using 6 laptops as part of the ISN after-school “Project” program; this week students are equally excited about including the use of these devices into some of their daily class work.
Typing skills, keyboard familiarization, and dictionary use are some of the activities that students are using. Over the next 3 months students will continue to make further use of this versatile tool. An important part of this integration of technology into the students’ learning is also the students’ involvement in the recording of their completed activities, the tracking of their competencies, and their reflections on their learning experiences.
Today it was a real pleasure to have Elementary Class parents in our classroom. They certainly had the opportunity to watch students busily working on their learning using a wide variety of resources including computers.