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Alps Park Excursion – Lots of sliding, climbing and playing

Before our excursion day, students spent time planning: what they’d bring, what they’d do, and what would help everyone to be safe on the day. After recording their ideas in note-form on a sheet of paper, students took it home to share with their parents.
On excursion day we left school at 9.45am and were back at school at 3pm. We certainly managed to do a lot of things at the park: walking through the zoo, riding on the roller coaster, eating delicious food for our picnic lunch, playing on lots of the play equipment, sliding down smooth stone slides and then down the long roller slides, and finally playing in the cool streams of water.
It was definitely a very exciting, fun-filled day.
This week using one of our computer programs, we also completed our first book report on “The Enormous Crocodile” by Roald Dahl. Students also selected pictures of their favourite story characters: Roly-Poly Bird, Enormous Crocodile, Trunky Elephant, Mungle-Wump the monkey, Humpy-Rumpy the hippopotamus. The story’s message is “always respect others” because the Enormous Crocodile tried to eat children instead of just eating the fish in the river. In the end he was fried like a sausage.
Last week on Friday we visited the Shiojiri Watahan Store so this week we are showing our appreciation by making posters of thanks for them. We will be sending them to the Watahan Store next week.