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Show time Graders! G3

Hello again, from the day after the big day! Firstly, congratulations and well done to all the people involved in the 2021 ISN Performance Day. The teachers, the parents and students worked hard to achieve yet another beautiful experience for all, hats off!

大イベントが明け、皆さんこんにちは! まず、2021 ISN Performance Dayに関わったすべての皆さん、おめでとう、そしてお疲れ様でした。先生方、保護者の方々、そして生徒の皆さんが一生懸命に動き、またひとつ素敵な経験を積んでくれました。

The build up to yesterdays Performance Day was long, but it was worth it. This was a week of just preparations and touching up on minor details. Monday saw the visit of professional director, Mr. Hayashi. His presence was welcomed warmly, and the feedback he had for the 3rd grade performance was valuable. He spoke of the importance of facial expressions on stage, and for the students to have a deeper understanding of the song (I’ll make a man out of you), that they would perform on stage.

昨日のパフォーマンス・デーまでの道のりは長かったですが、その甲斐がありました。この1週間は、ひたすら準備と細かい部分の修正をしていました。月曜日には、プロの演出家である林先生が来校されました。Grade3クラスのパフォーマンスに対して、貴重なアドバイスをいただきました。舞台での表情の大切さ、披露する曲「I’ll make a man out of you」に対する理解を深めてほしいというお話がありました。

It was as pleasant, and once more, Ms. Rieko visited the 3rd graders for much needed encouragement and input into the performance. There was great energy and around the class which the students certainly fed off to improve their performance. with only 3 more days to go, that was a sweet moment to galvanize the troops.

この日はとても気持ちよく、またMs.RiekoがGrade3クラスに来てくださり、意見や激励をくれました。 本番まであと3日というこの時期に、このような貴重な経験をすることができてとても嬉しく思いました。

Tuesday was day of just continued practice and preparations of props and stage setting. The students worked quite hard in this regard, and deserve praise for the work that they have put in for the past 5 weeks.


Wednesday was a day to move the props and this was when the students started to get Performance Day fever. The excitement was heightened.


Thursday saw the students get some stage feel, as we rehearsed on stage. A lot could have been improved on that day. There were concerns but, Friday was a new day with new energy, and the students truly gave a better performance. I hope that this was met with great appreciation, as I did. Once again, congratulations and well done to everyone. Hooray!
