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Fun Outdoor Play in snow(Meadow- January 11-14)

寒い気候での楽しい外遊び Meadowクラス 1月11日から14日より

Hello everyone,


It was freezing cold this week. Our little learners were amazed looking at the snowfall over the window and said ” Snow! It’s cold!”. They were excited to touch and play with it. We had lots of opportunities to go outside, to the park, and in the yard. The park was so muddy and wet but we spent the day with lots of fun. In the yard, after a night of heavy snowfall, our little learners had fun making a snowman together and putting on their hands and eyes. We also enjoyed the snowball fight, making a small snowball, hitting and teasing each other. Some kids learn to identify hazards, such as slippery surfaces, and moderate their behavior to ensure their safety.

今週は凍える様な寒さでした。子供達は窓越しの降り積もる雪を見て驚いていました。そして「雪だ! 寒い!」と口々に言っていました。みんな喜んで雪に触ったり遊びました。今週は公園や園庭など外で遊ぶことが多かったです。公園はかなり泥になって濡れてましたがたくさん遊んで過ごしました。夜にたくさんの降雪後、子供達は一緒に雪だるまを作って手や目を付けました。また小さな雪玉を作ってお友達に当てたりお互いにふざけ合って雪合戦をしました。子供達は雪の表面が滑りやすい等危ないことを学んでいます。安全を確かめて、行動に気を付けています。

Indoor Free Play


On one rainy day, we spent the day playing in the classroom. We spread a big working paper on the floor and we distributed the crayons to each student. We instructed the children to draw their mom, dad, friends, and people they love. They had fun and were able to share a space with friends, shared the crayons, and said lots of English Phrases while drawing. “ This is my mom, my friend, my grandma!” “This is the nose, eyes, hair!” They used their muscles to grasp the crayons and used their intellect to think of what to draw. They were also able to develop a good relationship with friends.

雨の日、子供達は教室内で遊んで過ごしました。床に大きな模造紙を広げ一人一人にクレヨンを配りました。子供達にお母さん、お父さん、お友達、そして大好きな人たちを描くように伝えました。みんな楽しんでお友達と場所を譲り合って描いている間 “ This is my mom, my friend, my grandma!” “This is the nose, eyes, hair!” など多くの英語の文を話していました。クレヨンを握るのに筋肉を使い、何を描こうか色々考えて描いていました。

We can take turns and can wait patiently


We prepared hoops and bars to exercise our bodies to keep warm in this cold weather. Our little ones were so excited to start but first of all, listening to the instruction is a must. They were able to stand in the line and waited patiently until their turn come. They enjoyed jumping and stepping on the bars gave the turn to the next friend waiting in the line. Good job, Meadow!


What vegetable can you eat?


In learning vegetables, our little learners were excited to tell their friends the vegetable they love to eat. We asked them to pick one vegetable and say the phrase “ I can eat… broccoli, carrot, corn and etc.

野菜について学ぶとき子供達は好きな野菜をお友達に喜んで話しました。子供達に一つ野菜を取り “ I can eat… broccoli, carrot, corn and etc. のようにフレーズを言うように言ってみました。

It was a short but full of fun week for all. Thank you for reading our blog.

Keep safe and keep warm.


