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Our Daily Helpers (Meadow- January 24-28)

日直さん Meadowクラス 1月24日から28日より

Hello everyone,


This week, we have started giving a tasks to our youngsters. Assigning a task is a great way to teach a child about responsibility. We choose two students everyday to be OUR DAILY HELPERS, standing in front of their friends saying “ Thank you for the food” during lunch and snack time and leading their friends during the morning circle singing in a big voice. This helps our youngsters develop responsibility and they felt they were trusted.

今週、子供達に役割をお願いすることにしました。その仕事は子供達に責任感について教えるのに良い方法です。毎日二人の生徒を日直として選びます。みんなの前に立ち 昼食やおやつの時間に“ Thank you for the food” と呼びかけたり、サークルタイムの活動の時間に大きな声で歌ったりしてみんなをまとめる役割をします。この役割は子供達の責任感を伸ばし、みんなから信頼されるという体験をしています。

Craft Day


February 3rd is ““Setsubun” festival and we explained to the children what do we do during this event. We mentioned about the “demon” and eating “Eho maki”. To get ready for the demon’s visit in our class on the day, we made an “ Oni mask”. Our youngsters did well painting their mask. They chose the color they like and painted the paper plate and we waited for a while to let them dry. Then, we asked them to stick the eyebrows and grabbed the soft colored papers and squeezed them like a ball and stuck them on the forehead for the hair.


Indoor play


Let’s get in Line! The bus is ready to go! Our youngsters had so much fun holding their friend’s back when we played the music of the “ Wheels on the bus”. We danced and walked around the classroom getting along well with each other.

列になろう!バスが発車します!子供達はお友達の背中につかまって “ Wheels on the bus” の曲に合わせて楽しく遊びました。ダンスをしたり、教室を歩き回ったりしてお互い仲良く過ごしました。

Outdoor Play


The weather was good. We spent some days walking and playing in the yard in the morning. Recently, our youngsters are into playing the jump rope, using it as a train with some friends walking and holding the rope at their back and some kids spent most of the time running around teasing each other.


Tall and short


We learned about tall and short. We looked at some pictures of objects and we described what we saw. “ We tried saying them in phrases “ The tree is tall! the plant is short!” “The giraffe is tall! the cat is short.!” Then we asked groups of two students to stand in front and asked everybody to describe them. They were able to describe them saying (name)…….. is tall and( name)……….is short. Good job, Meadow!

背の高い、低いについて学びました。対象になる絵を見せて、説明しました。フレーズの中で “ The tree is tall! the plant is short!” “The giraffe is tall! the cat is short.!” などと言ってみました。二人組の生徒に頼んで前に出来て立ってもらい、皆に表現するように言いました。みんな。…..(名前)は背が高い、…..は低い。言うことが出来ました。頑張ったね。Meadowのお友達!

Fruits Topic


This is our last week taking up the topic about Vegetables. We did some activity they really enjoyed. Our youngsters were able to say the names and colors of vegetables and were able to say their favorite one. We did the Fruits Shadow matching and also matching the half of the fruit that is missing. Well done, Meadow!


Happy Birthday to you!


We celebrated this month’s birthday friend. She turned 3 and she looked happy while her friends sang a happy birthday song then we gave her a memorable message card with photos. We are very proud of you and we are excited seeing your growth. Happy birthday☺️

今月のお誕生日のお友達をお祝いしました。クラスの子供達がお誕生日の歌を歌い、主役のお友達は3歳になり、写真付きの記念になるメッセージ付きカードをプレゼントして、嬉しそうでした。いつも色々なことを頑張っている姿を誇りに思っています。成長を楽しみにしています。 Happy birthday☺️

We would like to thank the parents for alotting your time observing the “Online School Open Day” Kids were nervous as well as excited that they knew their parents were watching them. Thank you always for your support.


Thank you for reading our blog. Have a safe and a wonderful weekend.
