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Our Heartwarming Valentine Present- Meadow( Feb. 7th-10th)

心のこもったバレンタインデーのプレゼント 2月7日から10日より

Hello everyone,


It was a snowy Thursday. We spent our day playing in the classroom. Our youngsters enjoyed tearing newspapers and throwing them up like a snow falling from the sky. Some of them started swimming as if they were in the pool. Later on, we stuffed the newspapers into the plastic bag and made a ball. They enjoyed throwing them up. We distributed a small plastic bag to all of them and filled in the newspapers and made a yo-yo to bring home. They all had a great time.


Happy Valentine’s Day❤️


In celebration of the coming Valentine’s Day, we made a heart with full of love, decorating flowers around it made of soft colored papers. Our youngers chose the colors they like saying them in English I like… (color). They grabbed the paper, used their hand muscles to make into a smaller size and decorated around the heart. They stuck on the message and their photos. They are excited and can’t wait to hand them to their love ones. Happy Valentine’s Day❤️

来るバレンタインデーのお祝いに愛情いっぱいの縁を柔らかい色紙で作った花で飾りつけしたハートの形のフォトフレームの工作をしました。子供達は好きな色を英語で I like… (color). の様に言って選びました。柔らかい色紙を握って、その際に小さくするのに手の筋肉を使い、出来たものをハートの形のフレームの周りに飾りつけしました。メッセージを書いた紙と写真を貼りました。皆、制作を楽しみ、大好きなお家の方に渡すのが待ちきれないです。 Happy Valentine’s Day❤️

Keep Our Body Warm


We weren’t able to go to the gym this week. Instead, we spent our time doing exercise in the classroom. We started warming up our body by dancing with the rhythm of “Do the Pinocchio“ song, putting their hands in and out, feet in and out and turned around, chin up! The same thing we did in the gym, students also enjoyed jumping over the jump rope, did the back float, and tried their best not to step on the rope. We also had enough time playing in the yard.

今週は体操教室が休みでした。その代わり、教室で体を動かして過ごしました。 “Do the Pinocchio“ song のリズムに合わせてダンスをして体を動かすことから始め、皆手を前後、足を前後そして回ったり、あごを上げたり、背中を浮かせたりしました。また縄跳びを使って上下をまたいだり、くぐったりしました。その後は園庭でたくさん遊びました。

“How many Fruits are there?”


We reviewed the names of fruits. For students who were away last week, we asked them their favorite fruit say it in front of their friends. Then, we did the activity naming the fruits and counting them. We prepared a picture with different fruits. We asked the students “ What Fruit is it and asked each of them to circle and count them. They were able to answer the question “ How many bananas are there? They counted the bananas and say “There are… 4 bananas. (numbers of fruits). And finished counting the rest of them. Good job, Meadow!

子供達は果物の名称を復習しました。先週休んでいた子供達にみんなの前に出てきて好きな果物を言うように聞いてみました。異なる果物の絵のカードを用意しました。 何の果物か聞いてペンで丸をつけ、数を数えました。 “ How many bananas are there? の質問に答えることができ、みんなでバナナの数を数えて “There are… 4 bananas. と答えました。残りの物についても全て数えました。頑張ったねMeadowのお友達!

Our youngsters are doing well on their task as a Daily helper. Thank you for your help and cooperation. Keep up the good work.


Have a Wonderful weekend.
