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Fun week Together (Meadow- February 21st-25th)

皆で過ごした楽しい一週間 Meadowクラス 2月21日から25日より

Hello everyone,


Seeing friends after a week of staying at home, Meadow students had big smiles and had a wonderful time spent this week.


In celebration of the coming “Girl’s Festival”, we made our doll craft. After listening to the teacher’s instructions, our youngsters started painting their paper plate rings choosing the colors they like. They were good enough to hold the brush and did the painting. After that, they also chose different colors of soft-colored papers to be stuffed in the small plastic to make the doll’s body. They enjoyed stuffing in the papers and they concentrated on what they were doing. Lastly, they decorated the flowers around the paper plate ring and stuck them on the parts of the face. They were very proud of their work and most of them said. ” I want to bring home my doll and show it to my mom!” Great job, Meadow!

来る「女の子のお祭り」をお祝いしてお雛様の工作をしました。先生の指示を聞いた後、子供達は丸い紙皿に好きな色を塗りました。みんな筆を上手に持ち塗っていました。その後、また人形の体を作るのに小さなビニール袋に詰めるため 、 様々な色の柔らかい紙を選びました。みんな詰めるのを楽しんで集中して行っていました。最後にみんな丸い紙皿の周りに花を飾り、人形の顏部分には顏の部位を貼りました。出来上がりに誇らしげで口々に「お人形、お家に持って帰りってお母さんに見せたい」と話していました。上手に出来たね。Meadowクラスのお友達!

Let’s go Shopping!


This is the last week of our Fruit lesson. We used the phrase ” I have… (fruit) We have provided the basket and a pair of fruits flashcards. We asked students in pairs to go shopping, buy fruits, and put them in the basket. When they were back, we asked them “What’s in the basket?” Then they replied, ” I have an apple, lemon, orange and etc.” They really enjoyed the activity and wanted to do more.

果物に関する学習の最終回です。 ” I have… (fruit) というフレーズを使いました。子供達にバスケットと2枚セットの果物のカードを渡しました。二人組になって買い物に行き、果物を購入しバスケットに入れる様に伝えました。戻ってきてから “What’s in the basket?” と聞くと ” I have an apple, lemon, orange and etc.” のように答えました。みんなこの遊びを気に入りもっとやりたいと言っていました。

We also did the “Fruits silhouette matching. They were able to match the correct fruit as well as practice their hand muscles tracing the line.

また “Fruits silhouette matching. をしました。 線を引くことで手の筋肉を動かす練習をすると同様に正しい果物を照合させることが出来ました。

Indoor and Outdoor Play


On some days that we only have a short time before lunch, we spent them indoors moving our bodies. Our youngsters enjoyed the “ball toss”. Balls were made of newspaper and the children took their part chasing the teacher with the basket tied around the waist and shoot balls as much as they can. They had so much fun. Later, one student wanted to try tying the basket around her waist. She enjoyed being chased by her friends and did her best running.

昼食までわずかな時間しかないある日、室内で体を動かして遊びました。子供達は “ball toss” で遊んだり、これは新聞紙を丸めて作ったボールを使い、 腰回りにしっかりとバスケットを付けた先生を 子供達が追いかけ役になり、出来るだけ多くボールを投げ入れるというものです。みんなとても楽しんでいました。今度は、一人のお友達がその役をやりたがりました。そのお友達はお友達に追いかけられて全力で走って楽しんでいました。

On other days, we also played ” Shoot the ball using a hand-made shovel. Kids waited for their turn to bring the ball into the goal using the shovel. They concentrated well tossing the ball forward until they reached the goal. Well done, Meadow!

また別の日には手作りのシャベルを使ってゴールにボールを入れる ” Shoot the ball using a hand-made shovel. の遊びをしました。子供達は自分の順番を待ちそのシャベルを使ってボールをゴールにシュートしました。みんな集中して上手にボールを渡し、繋いでゴールさせました。良く出来たね、Meadowクラスのお友達!

Kid’s happiest moments are when they are exposed outside, playing in the yard. They are free enough to run and explore their surrounding, touching the snow collecting dried leaves, and socializing with their friends.




This week, we have celebrated our February birthday boy’s special day. He looked happy standing in front of his friends as we sang ” Happy Birthday to you!” When he was asked, “How old are you?”He tried saying “I’m three!” extending his 3 fingers. He was amazed to receive his birthday card. We Love you!

今週、2月生まれの男の子の特別な日をお祝いしました。そのお友達はみんなの前に立ち ” Happy Birthday to you!” の歌を歌ってもらい、嬉しそうでした。 “How old are you? と聞かれると “I’m three!” と3本の指を広げて言いました。誕生日カードを受け取り驚いていました。みんな、君のことが大好きだよ!

Have a wonderful weekend!
