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The stars of the Milky Way

The journey has begun.


改めまして、今年度Milky Wayを担当しますMs.RichineとMs.Kumiです。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

We started this week by attending the welcome ceremony of our school. We were given the chance to grace our incoming students with a song number and a welcome message. It was a good ceremony.

ミルキー・ウェイとしての初日、まずみんなで入園式に参加してきました!昨年度より練習してきた『zip a dee doo dah』の歌とメッセージで、新しくISNに入園する小さなお友達を歓迎することができました。広い体育館でたくさんの人たちを前に少し硬い表情を見せていた子もいましたが、とても元気よく歌い、メッセージも大きな声で揃えて言うことができました。とてもよくできました!

The event made the Milky Way students realize that they are now the oldest on the campus and that their little friends look up to them. We will all do our best to guide them in making good choices and be good models to the rest of the classes.


The classroom was filled with excitement when the students entered the same classroom they used as Shooting Star but with lots of new things inside.


They love the carpet corner, where they can lie down on the carpet as they play “pretend” using the kitchen toys. They also have a blocks corner where they can create things using their imagination and the blocks available, and last they have now a very cozy library corner where they can read their favorite books and explore some good picture books.


They have been exploring the different corners ever since they came in this week as Milky Way students and still get excited every time they play. This new design of the classroom will help them learn many things while having fun.


We also look forward to trying the new subject this year, the “workstation”. During this block time, the students will be given the liberty to choose from the stations that the teachers have set, and play with them. Each station has a learning goal, like playing with numbers, words, crafts, etc. They will enjoy and at the same time hone some skills and gain more knowledge.

また、今年度からの新しい科目「ワークステーション」にも挑戦します。 この時間は、担任が設定したいくつかのステーションの中から、自分で自由に選んで遊びます。それぞれのステーションには、数字遊びや言葉遊び、工作などの学習目標が設定されています。楽しみながらスキルを磨き、知識を深めていきます。

From small beginnings come great things. We can’t wait to see our Milky Way students learn and gain more knowledge and be like stars shining in the vast space.


We are looking forward too to having you, our loving parents, family, and friends to taking with us on our journey to Milky Way.



Have a wonderful weekend ahead!
