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Our little supermarket! – Milky Way 5/23 – 5/27

We are back, and we’re stronger, busier, and happier!


In preparation for our workstation, or what we call our golden time, we prepared 6 stations that will offer different activities, activities that will help our students hone different skills and help them learn more.


One of those stations is going to be the FREE ART and CRAFT station where the students will have the liberty to pick whatever materials they will need to make their own craft or art.


During this activity, we saw how our students’ imaginations work and how artistic they are in making something out of different materials. We all look forward to seeing their masterpieces in the coming days.


In UOI, we are still talking about the 3 food groups which are GO, GROW and GLOW. To see how have the students mastered these groups, we had a food shopping role play: Each student had the chance to pick food they wanted to put in their lunch box. The goal was to make a lunch box with the balanced amount of Go, Grow and Glow food.

UOIでは、GO、GROW、GLOW という 3 つの食品グループについてのまとめとして、みんながどのように習得したかを確認するために、お店屋さんのロールプレイを行いました。子ども達はお弁当箱に入れる食べ物を自分達で選びました。


The students did a great job portraying both the role of buyers and sellers. It was a very successful activity, and all of the participants had a wonderful time.

We wrapped up the week by reading our book this week: How Many Legs. In the book, we encountered different animals with different numbers of legs. We counted their legs and tried to think of other animals that were not in the book and did the same thing. We were able to hone our thinking skills in this activity and practiced counting.

今日は今週の本を読んで、一週間を締めくくりました。今週は、「How Many Legs」という本を読みました。この本には、足の数が違う生き物・動物がたくさん出てきました。みんなで足の数を数え、本には出てこない他の動物についても考えてみました。この活動を通して、考える力をつけ、数を数える練習もしました。

We were all glad to see each other today, and were so delighted to be able to end the week together healthy and happy!


Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
