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Wonderful memories to cherish(Lagoon March 22nd-25th)

Hello everyone,

It’s our last week to spend time together. We made sure to spend our days a wonderful and memorable one. Tuesday, we went to the park by bus. We prepared plastic bottles for each of our kids to pick something and put them in. They were busy looking for acorns, dried leaves, some sticks and more. We decided to stay at the place where we can see trains. Our little ones were so excited looking at the trains passing by, counting and describing them, “Look! it’s a long train, it’s short train”.

皆さんこんにちは。今週はラグーンクラスで過ごす最後の週となりました。楽しい思い出を作れるようにと、いつもと違う公園へもお出かけしてきました(^ ^)火曜日、バスに乗って南部公園へ行ってきました。用意したペットボトルを持って、子ども達はどんぐりや葉っぱ、小枝などを集めて入れるのに大忙し!電車が間近で見られるスポットで、電車が通るたびに大喜びでした。“見て!長い電車!今度は短い!アズサだ!”など、指をさしたり手を振ったり、わぁ〜と声をあげて喜んでいました(^^)

We also brought bubbles to play. Teachers have blown them up in the air and kids enjoyed catching them up. They ran so fast in every direction where bubbles flew.

そして広いエリアへ移動して、今度はシャボン玉で遊びました。担任達が飛ばしたシャボン玉を追いかけて、風の吹く方向へあっちへこっちへとたくさん走っていました(^ ^)

At the other park where we went the next day, our little ones learned how to take turns with friends, and most of them enjoyed sliding down the slide, collecting sticks and writing on the ground. They had so much fun.

別の日に行った公園では、他のクラスのお友達と一緒に順番を守って遊びました。滑り台や、小枝を集めてお店屋さんをしたり、絵を描いたりして楽しみました(^ ^)

We learned about animals at the zoo. Our little learners enjoyed doing the animal’s movement as we played the song “Let’s go to the zoo.” They stomped their feet like elephants, swung like monkeys, jumped like kangaroos, waddled like penguins, and swam like polar bears. We spread the animal flashcards in every corner of the room and they picked one and told it’s name in front of friends.

今月のテーマ、動物について学んできた子ども達は、“Let’s go to the zoo”という歌に合わせていろいろな動物に変身しました。ゾウさんのように大きく足踏みをしたり、お猿さんのようにブラブラぶらさがったり、カンガルーのようにジャンプしたり、ペンギンさんのようによちよち歩きをしたり、白くまのように泳いだり!みんなとても上手に変身していて、中には顔も似せようと頑張っている子もいました(^ ^)最後は、置かれた動物のガードを取り、一人ずつ皆の前で名前を言いました。Good job!

Since it’s our last day today, we congratulated our kids for doing their best the whole year. They looked happy receiving their ribbons and a message card. We took our class photo and said goodbye. We really felt sad to end the day but we are looking forward to seeing everyone’s growth as we keep on learning. Keep going!


To all parents, we would like to express our hearfelt gratitude. Thank you very much for your kindness and cooperation. We had a wonderful time spent with everyone.


Stay safe and enjoy your spring break😊


Lagoon 担任

Ms.Grenda, Ms.Kumi