What are the causes of conflict?
At the beginning of the LOI1, our inquirers listed what they thought were the causes of conflict. To justify these ideas, we tested some activities and see if the causes of conflict would arise from them hence the Rainforest Olympic has been launched!
The first activity was held in the pool. The game was called: Pass the Water. In this game, the team’s coordination and communication skills were tested, because the task was to fill in the bucket at the end of the pool with water, but the team members could not look at their back while doing so. It was very challenging for some at first, but they eventually got the hang of it as they saw how others were doing.
Conflict arose: One member was not looking or focusing. One member was not helping us. One member was not listening that is why we lost. These conflicts were included in their list of causes of conflict.
Team Activity ①”パス・ザ・ウォーター” このゲームは、チームで縦一列になり、紙コップを使って自分の後ろにいる仲間に水を渡すゲームです。そして、一番後ろにあるバケツをいち早く満タンにしたチームが勝ち。水を渡すときに、後ろを見てはいけない為、後ろの人がキャッチしやすいように工夫。水をキャッチする人もどこに水が落ちて来るのか注意して見なくてはいけません。チームの協調性とコミュニケーション能力が試されたゲームになりました。最初はとても難しかった様子でしたが、他のメンバーのゲームや何回かやるうちにコツをつかんだようです。
対立が生じた理由: あるメンバーは見ていなかったし、ゲームに集中していなかった。あるメンバーは助けてくれなかった。あるメンバーは話を聞いていなくてルールが理解できていなかった:これらの葛藤は、対立の原因を考えた時にすでに子ども達から予想されていた事でした。
Second was the Scavenger hunt and Puzzle game. Again, teamwork was essential to achieve the goal here, some of the reflections after these games were: We were going to win, but one of the members made a mistake, and we did not help him. I don’t want to be on this team because this person is not helping us, which one argued, No he was helping, but needed time to think.
Team Activity ②”パズルゲーム” ここでも目標を達成するためにはチームワークが不可欠です。毎回ゲーム後はチームで、このゲームの勝敗、なぜ勝ったのか/負けたのか、次の目標に達するためにはどうすればいいのかを振り返っています。私たちは勝ちそうだったけど、メンバーの一人がミスをしたから勝てなかった…。でも、私たちも彼を助けなかった…。この人は私たちを助けてくれないから、このチームにはいたくない…。助けなかったんじゃなくて、考えてただけだよ…。今回のゲームでは、子ども同士の言い合いが見られました。
Another was the tug of war in the mud, where the team needed their strength to win. One team was so confident to win, but during the game, they lost and cried.
Team Activity③”つなひき” 勝つためには、みんなで力を合わせる事と力が必要でした。このゲームでは、勝つ自信があったのに負けてしまい、悔しくて泣いてしまう子の姿も見られました。
Conflicts are everywhere, it is an inevitable thing, but they are manageable, and could be solved. How? We will delve into this topic after the holiday, so we will see how our inquirers come up with their solutions to avoid conflicts.
Another teamwork is the subject of our inquiry in Phonics, the Vowel team. Like last week, we looked into words that have /ay/ and /ai/. These words produce a long /a/ sound. It is so fun to see that our inquirers can read more now and longer words.
The Bon Bon festival was a success. Thank you all for your support; we all had fun!
See you after the Obon and have a wonderful Summer Vacation!