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Welcoming our new student(Lagoon- November 30th- December 4th)

Hello everyone,

“Hello, December!” We just can’t explain this feeling of excitement when December comes. It seems to be special compared to some other months. We can feel that Christmas is in the air here and there.



A new friend has joined us from this week. Lagoon students were so excited welcoming him before he came. Most of them said, “I’m a big boy now, I’m a big girl now, I will be nice to my new friend”. As we spend our days together, we’re looking forward that our big boys and girls will be a good example to him. “Welcome to the class!”


Playing under the sun”

It was a bright sunny Monday. We went to the park by bus. The Children were so busy running here and there and enjoyed climbing and sliding. On our way back to school, most students wanted to take off their coat since they felt hot moving a lot at the park. Ah, we really had fun.

月曜日、とてもいい天気の中、バスで公園へ行ってきました。子どもたちは階段やネットを登ったり滑り台をすべったり、あちこち大忙し!笑 たくさん遊んでポカポカの子ども達は、帰りのバスの中ではやく上着を脱ぎたくてうずうずしていました。あぁ楽しかったね!!

“Colors are everywhere”

We don’t want to miss the chance to take our kids’ “best photos” when they do their best in our morning and afternoon circle time. Lagoon class really love singing. We also enjoyed learning about colors. We’re living in a world of colors and in whatever we do and wherever we go we always mention them. “Red car! Yellow leaves! Purple shirt!”



It was a beautiful day to walk outside and play at the school’s yard

The weather was good and our little ones were eager to walk and play outside. We can now make a straight line and remember some rules when walking. “don’t touch the rails and bars at the side when walking, and put your hands up when you cross the road”! And playing at the yard was fun. Some friends enjoyed running around and some friends loved drawing on the ground using the chalk.” Let’s draw a circle! draw eyes and puffy cheeks! What’s this? It’s Anpanman! And they all draw the same thing!

天気もよく、子ども達はお散歩や外遊びを楽しんできました。少し前までは皆で歩くことも難しかった子ども達ですが、今はしっかりと列になり、‘手すりやフェンスに触らない、道を渡るときは手を挙げる’などの約束も守って歩けるようになりました!園庭では走り回ったり、チョークで地面にお絵かきをしました。‘マルを描こう!目を描いて、ふっくらほっぺを描いて!これなーに?アンパンマンだ!’ そしてみんなでアンパンマンを描きました(^^)

Thank you for reading our blog.

Have a nice weekend.
