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We enjoyed spinning our tops (Lagoon- January 12th- 15th)

Hello everyone,

After the 3 days holiday we went back to school with lots of fun awaited . On our craft day, we decided to make the ” Cow tops”. Our kids enjoyed tearing the black origami paper and pasted it on the paper plate. “See? They look like cows!” We stuck the plastic bottle’s cap at the center to hold when spinning. They all had fun spinning over and over again.

皆さんこんにちは!3連休のあと、スクールでは楽しいことがたくさん待っていました(^^)ラグーンクラスの今週のクラフトでは、今年の干支にちなんで‘丑のコマ’を作りました。黒の折り紙をビリビリとちぎって紙皿に貼ると、‘みてみて、牛さんみたい!’ ペットボトルのキャップを持ち手にして、底にはボタンを付けるとコマの完成!子ども達は何度も何度も回して楽しんでいました(^^)

“Newspaper snow shower”

It was snowy outside. We spent our day in the classroom. We have thought of using newspapers to enjoy our day. Children took newspapers and tore them as many as they like. They felt freedom even though the room got messy. We threw them up like snow falling from the sky and shower them on friend’s head. After we played they all cooperated cleaning up the room.


I like vegetables

This month we have started our lesson about vegetables. We sang the phrases of our song “Vegetables are yummy and they’re good for me!” Our kids participated on choosing the vegetables they like, picked up the flashcards and said in front of everyone “I like…. carrots, I like…. potatoes, it’s yummy😊″


Thursday’s music class

Month’s have past since we started our new songs on our music class. Our kids memorized the songs, enjoyed singing, clapping their hands and did the gestures. Our new friend also sat nicely and followed his friends.


We also enjoyed our gym and the children expressed themselves having freedom to go running wherever they like. This week we felt it was too cold for our kids to stay in the gym so we put on our jacket to protect ourselves.


Thank you for reading our blog.

Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.
