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Around the World in 60 Days: 1st Stop Croatia

The second unit of UOI is all about culture. We will be travelling to the different parts of the world and learn more about their way of life. Of course we won’t be able to travel without getting a passport.
Grade 1のUOIのunit2では、文化について学んでいきます。私たちは、世界のさまざまな地域を旅して、彼らの生活について学びます。もちろん、パスポートがなければ旅はできません。

The next day, we started with the school lunches. We first talked about the usual lunch we have at school and decided to draw which one is our favorite. 私たちは学校給食についての探究を始めました。まず子供達が一番好きな学校給食について話し合い、描くことにしました。

Then we shared our ideas with the team on what we think about other children have for lunch at school. After watching a short video clip, we found out that it was very different from what we have in Japan but it all looked so delicious.

We ended the week with our special guest speaker, Mr. Igor of Grade 5678. He is from Croatia and shared with us the different kind of food they have in his own country. There was so much to learn from him about food! We even enjoyed the cookies he baked for us. It was sooooooo gooooood!

For our art class, we created simple structures, massive monuments, and pretty houses! Using geometric shapes we created our own unique work of art. Before that, we first watched a short video about the different kinds of houses around the world. We then chose our favorite structure and started cutting different shapes for our house.

By the way, here’s a picture of us listening to a story in Japanese. This is one of our favorites!

Hope you join us with our trip around the world.

Thanks for reading!