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Curtain call…

The smell of greasepaint, the heat of the lights, the murmuring of the audience… ah, Performance Day is almost upon us… almost. In the Grade 3 classroom we have been busy as beavers perfecting our once-in-a-lifetime show. And, what a journey it has been. I don’t think I need to say this to you at home, as I am guessing you have probably played witness to these budding thespians and their Oscar potentials. So much practice for one little show, right? Phew.

This morning we discussed a recent news article about a young Japanese farmer who had been awarded a top prize in Japan for the quality of his carrots. Upon receiving his award, the farmer remarked that the secret was the quality of the soil. We thought of our practices as being our soil and how they will hopefully yield a top quality show, or in our case, maybe even a cabbage too.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all family members who have contributed to our show in all manner of unseen and non-credited roles. This show would not be possible without you. Our gratitude will be found on stage this Friday afternoon. Thank you.

So, in that time honored theater saying, “Let’s break a leg!”

See you Friday!