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Presentations and Day Trips

Project Presentations

On Monday morning, Grade 3 rose to the challenge of presenting their space project proposals. Grade 2 kindly stepped into the role of decision committee with regards which group would receive the funding for their project. All of the groups did really well in laying out their proposals.

The class displayed a variety of skills in their presentations i.e. gesturing to visuals, clear and loud voices, eye contact and well planned presenting materials.

Ultimately, the decision committee decided to award the very generous amount of $100m dollars to the Liz Spaceship project which seeks to help injured space travelers as well as offering transportation services when they have room on board. Oh, and the ship is populated by lizards who can assume human form if passengers are not comfortable with lizards operating a spacecraft.

Thank you to Grade to for your participation and well done everyone in Grade 3!

Omachi Matsukawa

Clear skies and a slight chill in the air greeted everyone from Grade 3 as we gathered at Shimauchi station for our field trip to Omachi Matsukawa Forest Park. After some college students generously offered up their seats to us, we gladly rode the train to Shinano-Tokiwa station. From here it was a mere 3.5 km hike to the forest park. Upon our arrival in the park, we split up into 2 groups and guides led us through the forest. They were incredibly knowledgeable and dutifully answered all questions we put to them. My thanks to them both for their wonderfully informative teachings. I imagine could have stayed with them the whole day and they would still have more to share with us.

We then gathered together for a workshop on making Gohei Mochi. The morning hike and forest ramble had sharpened everyone’s appetites, so this class proved very popular.

After this we stopped for a picnic, and enjoyed the splendid autumnal sunshine. A fine day for a picnic indeed.

Post-lunch, and just as they day had begun to cloud over, we moved indoors and enjoyed the indoor play space. It turned out that the morning hike had definitely not diminished everyone’s energy levels, as the class got busy with a game of tag. It looked a lot of fun!

A short toy train ride back to the park entrance and we bid farewell to Omachi Matsukawa and made our way once more on foot to the station.

We took our seats gratefully on the train, and somewhat surprisingly, all were sleepily quiet on the return journey.

A grand day out and our thanks to all at Omachi Matsukawa Forest Park.

Till next week take care!