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Developing our Social and Thinking Skills ソーシャルスキルと思考力を鍛えよう!

Welcome back everyone from a lovely extended Golden Week break! Despite the long break, nobody was in “holiday mode” when they came back to school, and everyone was really enthusiastic to get back into our programme.

We have been continuing dancing in the morning, and before Golden Week we were very lucky to have some members of the grade 4/5/6 class come and teach us how to do a more difficult dance. Since we received that great advice from the older students, we have been practicing the more difficult dance for “Whole New World” in the mornings with great results!

We resumed our IB unit study first by looking very closely at our lines of inquiry (the topics that guide our study). We thought about each individual word, what it means, and how it might relate to our goals of study. Mr Jimmy didn’t what each line of inquiry was, only how many words were in each one. The students then had to show great social skills to talk to their class mates and be detectives, discovering our final lines of inquiry. With time, the whole class figured the problem out by themselves! The lines of inquiry are:

1 – The responsibilities people have.

2 – The communities people belong to.

3 – People are connected by their jobs.

We then began our first ongoing project of the unit. That is to create a giant poster! We are currently all working in groups of three to choose one job, and present:

  • What the person does
  • What the person knows
  • What tools they use
  • What learner profile they are
  • What other jobs they are connected to, and how

We haven’t yet finished the posters, but we have been discussing how, through the process of creating, we are working on our social and thinking skills. Students, as well as working together to create something beautiful, have had to talk to each other about how they will find out all the information needed for the poster. The results have so far been very impressive, and we can’t wait to see the final results!

Japanese lessons have continued this week, and students have been using their new “drill” workbooks. Now students have the opportunity to work more independently with the guidance of Miss Keiko, and discover new challenges in their Japanese studies!

One exciting development is that this week we have had a change in our daily exercise programme. Students are now working in pairs (mixed between age groups) to record the number of laps of the bridge they can run in five minutes. We are also recording how we feel after running, so in future we can reflect back on how our bodies change their regular exercise. The new element to our exercise programme has been really enjoyable, creating bonds between the different grade, and giving us more motivation to push ourselves to improve.

This week and next week we will continue with our parent/student/teacher meetings. It has been really nice speaking to all of you, and I’m really looking forward to speaking to you all more in the future as we keep developing our growing ISN Elementary community. Have a lovely weekend!

– Mr Jimmy

ゴールデンウィークが明け、みんな元気にスクールへ戻ってきてくれました!長い連休でしたが休みモードではなく、意欲的に登校してきてくれました。ゴールデンウィーク前に4~6年生が難しいダンスの踊り方を教えてくれたので、朝はダンスの練習をしています。上級生から色々と良いアドバイスを貰いましたので、Whole New Worldの曲でより難しいダンスを練習しています。とても上達してきました。
1  – 人々の責任
2  – 人々が属するコミュニティ。
3  – 人々は仕事でつながっている。
– Mr Jimmy