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The summer programme Week 1

What a hot week is behind us! The summer programme students unfortunately didn’t get to play much outside this week due to the heat, but they had a lot of fun anyway! 🌞
We have started our week with a short trip to the Alps park zoo, where the students had a chance to talk to the zookeepers and try out what it’s like to be a zookeeper themselves! Everyone enjoyed the cute goats and hamsters and the picnic outside. Everyone’s bento boxes were so beautiful!
During our indoor lessons, the students started deepening their knowledge of Nagano prefecture. This week they learned about the different animals that one could find only in Nagano, the various mountains of the prefecture and how people use the mountains, as well as the 1998 Nagano winter Olympics. Everyone enjoyed cheering the athletes, as if they were seeing them live on television for the first time. 🐵
The week finished with an excursion to the Matsumoto planetarium, where the students learned about stars around us and different machines astronomers use, and the Matsumoto clock museum, where they enjoyed looking (and listening to!) all the amazing clocks from around the world and from all time periods. ⏰
Let’s enjoyed the weekend and look forward to next week’s cooler weather!
今週もとても暑かったですね。 🌞サマープログラム参加者は、残念ながらこの暑さで殆どの外活動を見合わせましたが、それでもとても楽しんでいました。
良い週末をお過ごしください! 来週は少しでも涼しくなるといいですね。