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A balloon boat???

This week Elementary Class has continued their investigation into comparing, estimating and measuring the mass of a variety of objects as well as observing what matter they are made of.
These studies led students to ask many questions, one of which was
“Is a balloon able to hold the mass of more than one person?”.
After discussing possible answers, students were then keen to think of ways to test their predictions that would be safe as well as effective.
The outcome was turning a table upside-down, putting the balloons underneath and students standing on the underside of the up-turned table. Interestingly 8 balloons were able to hold 5 students whose total mass was approximately, 125kg! Wow those balloons were strong!
When the sixth student stood on the table, the balloons started to pop. The last balloon burst after the ninth student got on board.
Everyone said it was very exciting – just like being on a balloon boat!
Elementary Class continues their investigations into the question “Do past generations help us today?” Researching famous people from the past as well as famous people from the present, students put their chosen interesting and important points onto posters. Their conclusion was that many people from the past had great ideas that people still use today.
Reading the novel about Helen Keller and discussing her life, students are showing a deeper appreciation of the use of hearing and sight to learn. They are also admiring the strength and determination Helen had to not only learn but also to help others.