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We had fun under the sun (Lagoon Feb. 22nd-26th)

Hello everyone,

It was a bright sunny day, a good day for us to enjoy playing at the park. Our kids were so busy going here and there finding things to enjoy themselves. Most of the children love sliding down the slide together with friends and played at the stone side counting them together. Some of them sat down on the sand making a small castle using sand. Our two girls had fun climbing at the lowest part of the tree.


We commemorate the Doll’s festival

To celebrate the “Girl’s day” we have made the “Hina -sama”. Our little learners enjoyed sticking their photos on the construction paper. Then wrote anything on the free space with colored pencils and to make the body colorful, they enjoyed sticking on different colors of dot stickers, and for girls, they had crown around their head and topknot for boys. They really enjoyed their craft.


We also enjoyed the gym, getting our body warm by doing lots of stretching and running around. Our music lesson was full of life clapping our hands and stomping our feet and singing the kids favorite song “Wiggle Wiggle”.

今週もジムで身体を動かし、ミュージッククラスでは手拍子や足踏み、ダンスを楽しみました。中でもWiggle Wiggle ~ wiggle your ears! nose! arms! ~Who are you?と、身体の様々なパーツを動かしてあなたは誰?という歌が最近の子ども達のお気に入りです。

Thank you for reading our blog and we’re looking forward to have the parents over on our school open day on Monday.

Have a nice weekend.

