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Farewell Grade 3…

What goes up, usually comes down and likewise, all great things come to an end. Thus we find ourselves at the end of Grade 3. What a year, eh?

This has been something of a disruptive year for many people. A transition. Same faces and places, yet somehow different. Different words and roles, yet never quite the same. Everyone making adjustments. Learning new routines. And yet, routines we hope will change.

As I have observed the Grade 3 classroom, I have seen bright young faces, eager to learn, question, respond, engage. Quick to laugh, play, rejoice and sing. And yet, lurking continually in the background something insecure, uncomfortable and sad. Sensitive to something bigger than all of us, that seems to take more than it gives.

And, as we never step in the same river, so we learn to adapt. And stepping over to the other side of the river, we be ready for new things ahead. Ready to respond and respond creatively.

So this week has been a week of playing. Socialising. Taking a breath. Saying farewells. Playing different games. Thinking about what was learned. Readying for new things ahead.

Thank you for being part of this journey and wherever the new school year may find you, may it find you well and may it find you ready.

Fare thee well Grade 3.