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G2 – Let’s walk together!

Unit 2 has just started and our topic is Industries. The very first activity was for students to think about how an object or a product was made, they then expressed their thoughts through drawing and presented it to the whole class. I think they all did amazing!

For Moral, we talked about what makes a good friend. Some of the ideas they shared include being caring and loving to each other, helping each other and not hurting or being rough to each other. They learned that a good friend should be honest and tell you what the right thing to do especially when you make mistakes.

For PE, they played the usual games like ice tag in different variations and other fun-filled warm up activities. They especially enjoyed playing dodgeball! 

Today, the students walked to Harmony hall, a good 30-minute walk from the campus, for the purpose of understanding the roles of transportation, its advantages and disadvantages, and how it improves our life. We’ve discussed that using transportation is very convenient as it will help you get to your destination faster, however, since it produces a large amount of gas emissions, it has a lot of negative impacts on the environment (such as air pollution and global warming) as well as on our health (respiratory illnesses, cancer, stress and mental illnesses, etc.).

We all agreed that walking to the park was very exhausting but also very good for our health. Hadn’t we walked, we also wouldn’t have recognized the beauty of nature — the river, mountains, butterflies, lots of plants and vegetables and many more. 

As a conclusion, we discussed how we should start maintaining a balanced way of using transportation. For example, choose to walk if you’re not that far from your destination, otherwise, use transportation. By doing this, we can help minimize the use of gas emissions and protect both our health and the environment in the long run.

This week had been fun for all of us! I would like to commend the students for doing so well in following the rules when walking outside, they were reflective and showed a very good behavior. Let’s all keep up the good work!