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Presenting our own ideas

A fun week (and a half) is behind the Project A Class.
This week we have started to work in new software: Google Slides, making our own presentations. Some students have made their own presentations before and some haven’t, but they all happily accepted this new challenge. Their task for the first week was to make a presentation on the topic of their choice, while making sure it included photos, animations, graphs and current information. Favorite animals and food were a popular topic, but some students decided to present thing they learned in school, covering topics of Albert Einstein’s research and animal conservation.
We haven’t forgotten the fun computer language Scratch, either, in which students made several new games, as well as started discovering how they can use ideas from other makers’ games found on the Scratch website.
Next week we will further research and practice both of these. Have a nice weekend!
今週、The Project Aクラスでは『Google スライド』というソフトウェアで、プレゼンテーションの作成を行いました。以前にプレゼンテーションを作ったことがある子もいましたが、皆初めての課題をとっても楽しんで熱中していました。トピックを選び、画像やアニメーション、グラフ、情報を追加したか確認しながらプレゼンテーションを作ってみました。人気のトピックは好きな動物や食べ物でした。中には、学校で学んだアルベルトアインシュタインの研究と動物保護のトピックを選ぶ子もいました。