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The Project TEAM B. We are learning…about nature geography!!

We project B are learning about nature recently especially about “geography”.
What kind of land do we have in the world?
How about in Japan?
In first session, we learned about “Island”.
What is an island?… an island is an area of land has water all around it. We read some sentences and think about “Do we have any island in Japan?” Some students said “Yes, we have some remote islands in south!”. “Yes, I know Hokkaido is the island too!”
How about how do we get to the remote islands?
Do we use a boat? A car? An Air plane? A cruiser? Or… a horse?!! We had fun time to think about how do we get there!
Also we drew pictures of “our ideal lands”.
What would you put in your Island, Forest, Desert and so on? If there is no rules, we can get Palm tree, Animals or we can even make Ice cream Island! We show other students We enjoyed that time all together.
皆さん、こんにちは。The project Bでは、現在自然や地理に関して学んでいます。
”Island/島”ってなんだろう? 説明できる? 日本に島はある? 離島に行くには何を使う?…とProjectメンバーで意見を出し合いながら話し合っています。