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Staying safe 避難訓練

One more week is behind the Upper Elementary Class. The start of this week was very creative, as the whole of Monday was dedicated to arts and painting. The students put their wonderful artworks around the classroom, including places you would never imagine artwork to fit, like the whiteboard and the trash bin. The paintings included flowers, Christmas motifs, many Tokyo Towers and even a fast Shinkansen representing Japan. The teachers joined in on the painting fun as well and everyone worked together to make their classroom a better place! 🎨
The students are also tending to their garden. This week they have noticed small insects on the plants they planted a few weeks ago, so, according to Yuuki’s mom’s advice, they have put aluminium foil and used milk to protect the plants. The natural way is the best way to do things after all!
The students have continued their inquiry into the topics of migrations, whether for entertainment, survival or inquiry reasons. The students created their own graphic organizer of their ideas and have been writing numerous newspaper articles on related topics for the second issue of the class’ newspaper, such as the lives of researchers on Antarctica, the refugees or the Chinese culture in the United States. 😊
They started to combine their Japanese and English lessons as well through a fun guessing game. Mr. Atsushi helped the students with writing and understanding the meaning behind the kanji characters representing several words used often at the school.
The students are very much enjoying their new reading material in the form of Reading A-Z books. These books are leveled, meaning they can be adjusted to the students reading, thinking and communication skills. They are also printable on regular paper, meaning every student in the classroom can have their own copy which they can read at the same time; or the class can read the books together. 📔
This week, the students started reading “Cali and Wanda Lou”, a fictional story about a girl and her cat who travel to various cities in Asia, and a book about natural disasters. You can find more information about the books here: Reading A-Z
On Friday, there was an earthquake and fire emergency drill at the campus. The Upper Elementary Class students were well-prepared and reacted responsibly. They have also shown a lot of knowledge about the Emergency procedures when asked by their teachers. Let’s all practice even more to be safe even in times of emergency. 🏙️
Have a great weekend!

子どもたちは、Reading A-Zという新しい教材もとても興味深く、楽しんで読んでいます。この本はレベル分けされているので、読解力、思考力、コミュニケーション力などのレベルに合わせて読むことができます。また、この本は、印刷できるので、それぞれ自分用の印刷された本を持ち、クラスのみんなで同時に読むことができます。 今週は、少女と猫がアジアの様々な都市を旅する物語 “Cali and Wanda Lou”と、自然災害についてを読み始めました。本についての詳細は、こちらからご確認いただけます。Reading A-Z