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So many fun and new things for Grade 1!

This week Grade One had so many new and exciting things happening in their classroom!
1. This was Mr Jimmy’s first week as their new homeroom teacher. I’m really looking forward to learning with you, having fun, and growing together with you!
2. Grade One got a new assistant teacher: Mr Gregg! He’s from New York, has big muscles, and the students are already really fond of him.
3. Grade One started marathon running in the morning. The first time we tried it was quite hard because many students weren’t used to it, but by the end of the week everyone was running really well and not feeling tired.
4. We started having cleaning time everyday! Before afternoon meeting we move all the tables and chairs out of the way, and use our own cloths to wipe the floor really clean. This teaches us to respect and take care of our own environment, and we’re really good at it too! The floor is sparkling!
5. Every student now has a job that they are in charge of, and every week that job changes. For example, three students are in charge of serving lunch, and two students are in charge of wiping the tables and filling the buckets. Some students even check if we have our tooth brushes and cups!
6. We learnt how to use a microscope. Everyone had a chance to go outside and collect something they thought was interesting, and investigate it further with a microscope. There were some amazing results, and everyone was really excited by the wonderful new worlds we could see in the microscope.
Our Unit of Inquiry is about “How the World Works”. We studied about lots of physical forces, and now we are looking into biological forces, and the living world that we can see with our eyes. We are also learning about the scientific method: having an idea, testing it, recording the results, and making a conclusion. We will continue making lots of new discoveries next week!
Mr Jimmy
1. Mr. Jimmyが担任としての初めての一週間でした。みんなと一緒に学び、楽しんで成長していくことを楽しみにしています!
2. Mr. Gregがグレード1の新しいアシスタントの先生になりました。ニューヨーク出身、筋肉マン!みんな彼の事を大好きになったようです。
3. 朝にマラソンを始めました。初日は、まだ走り慣れておらずきつそうでしたが、週の終わりには良く走れるようになり、疲れにくくなりました。
4. 毎日、掃除も始めました。午後の帰りの会の前に、机と椅子を動かして、床の雑巾がけを行っています。掃除をすることで、自分たちの教室を大切に扱い愛校心も養われますね。上手に雑巾がけが出来て、床が輝いています!
5. 一人一つ当番(仕事)を担当し、毎週交代していきます。例えば、3人が給食当番、2人がテーブル拭きとバケツ係です。歯ブラシとコップを持ってきているかの確認もしてくれています。
6. 顕微鏡の使い方を学びました。外に行って興味のある物を拾ってきました。そして、それらを顕微鏡で観察しました。なかには驚くべき成果が見られ、みんな顕微鏡で見る素晴らしい新しい世界にワクワクしていました。
今学んでいるIBのテーマは、“How the World Works”(世界の仕組み)です。これまで多くの物理的力について調べて勉強してきました。現在は、自然界の力と、目で見ることができる生物の世界について探究しています。アイディアを持ち、それをテストして、結果を記録し結論を出すという科学的方法についても学んでいます。