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Grades 4, 5, 6 and 7: Recharged

Hello, everyone! There’s a very fun week behind us!
After finishing the third Unit of Inquiry of the school year last week, the students wanted to have a relaxed week to recharge their energy before starting Unit 4 next week feeling refreshed.
They choose to focus most of their energy this week on preparing the upcoming Performance Day play and have tried very hard to do it. They worked great as a team, with every students recognizing their strengths and divided themselves into smaller teams responsible for writing the script of the play, choreographing dance sequences and preparing the stage props. Some students also worked well as risk-takers by wanting to participate in activities they haven’t shown much interest in before. 🚀

On Tuesday, the students visited their rice field and sweet potato patch they planted and weeded before the summer. It was time to cut the rice and put it up to dry, as well as dig out some sweet potatoes. The students listened carefully to instructions from JA members and seemed full of energy to start working. They had the most fun digging out the sweet potatoes, the shapes of which were met with enjoyment and laughter. All in all, a lovely day out in the nature. 🌾

Next week, the students will start preparing for their PYP Exhibition which will take place on December 18th. It will be a lot of hard work, but students seem ready for it, especially with lots of fun events coming up this month: our train trip next Friday, the Halloween party on the 29th (the students are already preparing Halloween decoration) and no less than 3 birthdays in the next month! How fun! 🎃

Please take a look at the photos from the rice cutting excursion and also check out the news report the student were featured in:
See you next week! 🐸