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Aurora's Bus Trip (Oct. 12-16)

Field trips are not only lots of fun but they can also be very valuable experiences for young children.

On Monday, Aurora class had our very first field trip this school year. We were so lucky to have a perfect weather and was able to enjoy the hours of our stay at the park.



We started up by taking a not so long walk to get to the play area of the park. It was a nice place seeing woods, fall leaves, and birds along the way.

アルプス公園について目的地の遊具まで長い橋や坂道を歩きました。遠足の醍醐味の一つでもある「歩き」。自然の中お話をしながらいろいろな景色や物を見て楽しみました。大きなカマキリやバッタにも遭遇👀 なんとへびまで目撃しました!!👀😱

After a long walk, our boys and girls enjoyed utilizing the playground. They got so excited with the different play structures that they didn’t get tired of playing.


Everybody brought their bento boxes for lunch. Thank you so much mommies and daddies for preparing your children’s meal. They were very happy seeing cartoon characters in their food and those were very cute and yummy!


The most exciting part of the trip was sliding on the long slides! There were three long slides at the park that we used going back to the parking instead of taking a long walk. That was really fun!


In UOI lesson, we talked about the words that they can use in different situations and how they felt about it. Example, shouting at your friend is not good because it makes your friend sad. The one who shouted at must say, “Use soft voice, please.” and the person who shouted must say, “I’m sorry.”


We had a quick discussion about Magic Words that they can use to express politeness such as Thank you, Please, Excuse me, and I’m sorry.

オーロラでは、「マジックワード」についても話しました。最初みんなは「マジックワードって何??」と言っていました。(知らないことをたくさん聞いてくれて私たちはとても嬉しいです。みんな探究心がありますね😉)「ありがとう」「お願いします」「ごめんね」などの言葉がマジックワードだよと説明すると、また「どうして?」と聞いてきました。そこで、「このマジックワードを使った時、言われた人はどんな気持ちになる?」と聞くと、「ハッピー!」「嬉しい!」と答えが帰ってきました✌️ これからみんなもマジックワードをたくさん使ってくれるといいなと思います!

Another fun activity we did in math was a counting game. Each of them was given a paper cup that had to be filled with straws according to the number to be told by the teacher. This tests the students’ counting skills independently.


In Music class, they started practicing using bells for the Christmas show performance. It was only their first time but we saw some students good at it and enjoying it!


Last but not the least, we finally finished the craft called mummy. They painted the whole body with black. Then, the teachers took a picture of them showing scary face. Take a look how scary their faces are! It was pasted on the cardboard head part. Next, they wrapped the cardboard with white paper. We also taught them how to use a tape dispenser for their safety. This craft was a little bit challenge for them but they made it perfectly!


Thank you for reading our blog! Have a great weekend!
