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By the people…

Hello. I hope this finds all well and glad.

This week, Grade 3 have been looking at the structure of government. We began by considering organization and how we organize ourselves. From our lockers to our desks to the layout of the classroom and the school building, we thought about how and why it is organized. We decided that organization is important because it helps to keep things neat and tidy, as well as making it easier to find things and allows us to work better.

We then considered how this scales up to government level and the same qualities equally apply. An example was shared of the United Kingdom in the 1970’s, where garbage collectors stopped collecting garbage because they were unhappy with their working conditions. This then led to huge piles of garbage in the city centers of many UK cities for many weeks.

Finally, Grade 3 took part in a debate. The topic for the debate was “Computers should replace teachers”. After preparing in their groups, the students shared their opinions and listened to those of the opposing group. I was very impressed with the whole class as this was the first time they had ever done something like this. Well done one and all. And the outcome of the debate? The teachers of ISN all still have jobs. Yeah!

Take care everyone and have a nice week.